Fourth Grade

Because of Winn Dixie Book Image

This quarter we will be reading realistic and historical fiction. We will be writing to inform, so be prepared to learn a lot from your student’s writing.

In math, the fourth grade students will be working on number computation. This will include multiplication and division. It is very important that your student knows their multiplication facts. As a team, we recommend that the students practice daily with flash cards or verbally with their family. You may want to quiz your child on their facts during a car ride.

Fourth grade is also working on a fun unit in Social Studies. We are studying how transportation and travel evolved throughout the years in this wonderful state.

In Science we are studying the planets. Our Students are learning about the solar system and what the planets are made of. We want to thank you the parents for all of your support this year. You are very important in your child success!!! 

4th Grade Team