Students will visit the library with their teacher once every two weeks to borrow books. The times scheduled for each class is after morning instruction has ended.
Bringing Books Home
VPK, Kindergarten, and First graders should not take their book home. Classroom teachers and I will work together regarding reading homework and books access.
2nd graders and Up are permitted to bring their books home. Mrs. Hooks recommends that only one book at a time goes home. Books at home should be kept in the students' backpacks when not actively being read. Please protect books from water damage, food, nature, pets, and small children at home.
Overdue Fines/Lost Books
We would like all books returned in a timely fashion. Library books tend to be more costly to replace due to special binding. If students have late books, Destiny (OCPS Library software) does not allow more check outs. Students will be able to borrow one paperback book from our Honor Books section.